Amend CSSB 14 as follows:                                                    
	(1) On page 6, line 16, between "insured" and the period 
insert "or violates Article 21.21-8 of this code".
	(2) On page 27, line 19, add before the semicolon ", and 
Article 21.21-8 of this code".
	(3) On page 30, line 23, add before the period ", and Article 
21.21-8 of this code".
	(4) Add a new SECTION to Article 4 of the bill, appropriately 
numbered, to read as follows:
	SECTION 4._____. Article 5.101, Insurance Code is amended by 
adding a new Section 3D to read as follows:
	Sec. 3D. A rate or rating factor is unfairly discriminatory 
if it violates Article 21.21-8 of this Code.
	(5) Add a new SECTION to Article 4 of the bill, appropriately 
numbered, to read as follows:
	SECTION 4._____. Section 3, Article 5.13-2, Insurance Code is 
amended by adding a new subsection, appropriately numbered, to read 
as follows:
	(   ). A rate or rating factor is unfairly discriminatory if 
it violates Article 21.21-8 of this Code.