Amend CSSB 14, on page 50, by striking lines 17 through page 
51, line 2, and substituting the following:
	Art. 5.13.  SCOPE OF SUBCHAPTER [SUB CHAPTER].  (a)  This 
subchapter [Sub chapter] applies to every insurance company, 
corporation, interinsurance exchange, mutual, reciprocal, 
association, Lloyd's plan, county mutual, farm mutual [Lloyds] or 
other organization or insurer writing any of the characters of 
insurance business herein set forth, hereinafter called "Insurer"; 
provided that nothing in this entire subchapter [Sub-chapter] shall 
[ever] be construed to apply to any county or farm mutual insurance 
company or association, as regulated under Chapters 911 [16] and 
912 [17] of this code, except that Article 5.13-2 of this code shall 
apply to a county mutual insurance company with respect to rates for 
personal and commercial automobile insurance and residential and 
commercial property insurance [Code].