Amend CSSB 14 after SECTION 7.01 of the bill (page 60, after 
line 27, house committee printing), by inserting the following:
	SECTION 7.02. Section 4, Article 21.21-8, Insurance Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	Sec. 4. Affirmative Defense. A legal entity engaged in the 
business of insurance as specified in Section 1 of this article is 
not in violation of the prohibited acts defined in or determined 
pursuant to Section 2 of this article if the refusal to insure; the 
refusal to continue to insure; the limiting of the amount, extent, 
or kind of coverage; or the charging of an individual a different 
rate for the same coverage is based upon sound actuarial 
principles.  The use of an underwriting guideline filed by an in 
insurer and not rejected by the commissioner on or before the 60th 
day after the date the guideline is filed is an affirmative defense 
under this section.