Amend CSSB 14 as follows:                                                    
	(1) In SECTION 1.01 of the bill, in added Section 2(a)(3), 
Article 5.142, Insurance Code (page 3, lines 4-8), strike 
Paragraphs (F) and (G) and substitute the following:
			(F) except as authorized by rule by the 
commissioner, fees and assessments paid to advisory organizations;
			(G) any amount determined by the commissioner to 
be excess premiums charged by the insurer; and
			(H) any unreasonably incurred expenses, as 
determined by the commissioner after notice and hearing.
	(2) In SECTION 4.04 of the bill, in amended Section 3(a)(1), 
Article 5.13-2, Insurance Code, insert the following new paragraph, 
appropriately lettered:
	(   ) any amount determined by the commissioner to be excess 
premiums charged by the insurer.