Amend CSSB 14, committee printing, as follows:                               
	On page 13, strike lines 13-22 through page 14, line 14-53, 
and substitute the following:
	SECTION 5.01.  Subchapter A, Chapter 38, Insurance Code, is 
amended by amending Section 38.002 to read as follows:
[; CONFIDENTIALITY].  (a)  In this section, "underwriting 
guideline" means a rule, standard, guideline, or practice, whether 
written, oral, or electronic, that is used by an insurer or its 
agent to decide whether to accept or reject an application for 
coverage or to determine how to classify those risks that are 
accepted for the purposes of determining a rate.

	(b)  Each insurer shall file a copy of the insurer's 
underwriting guidelines with the [The] department [or the office of 
public insurance counsel may obtain a copy of an insurer's 
underwriting guidelines].  The insurer shall update its filing each 
time the underwriting guidelines are changed.
	(c)[b)]  Underwriting guidelines, as of the date the filing 
is received by the department:
(1)  are public information;                                             
(2)  are not subject to any exceptions to disclosure 
under Chapter 552, Texas Government Code; and
(3)  cannot be withheld from disclosure under any 
other law.  [are confidential, and the department or the office of 
public insurance counsel may not make the guidelines available to 
the public.]
	[(c)  The department or the office of public insurance 
counsel may disclose to the public a summary of an insurer's 
underwriting guidelines in a manner that does not directly or 
indirectly identify the insurer.
	[(d)  When underwriting guidelines are furnished to the 
department or the office of public insurance counsel, only a person 
within the department or the office of public insurance counsel 
with a need to know may have access to the guidelines.  The 
department and the office of public insurance counsel shall 
establish internal control systems to limit access to the 
guidelines and shall keep records of the access provided.
	[(e)  This section does not preclude the use of underwriting 
guidelines as evidence in prosecuting a violation of this code.  
Each copy of an insurer's underwriting guidelines that is used in 
prosecuting a violation is presumed to be confidential and is 
subject to a protective order until all appeals of the case have 
been exhausted.  If an insurer is found, after the exhaustion of all 
appeals, to have violated this code, a copy of the underwriting 
guidelines used as evidence of the violation is no longer presumed 
to be confidential.
	[(f)  a violation of this section is a violation of Chapter 
552, Government Code.]
	SECTION 5.02.  Section 552.110 Government Code, is amended 
by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
	(c)  An insurance underwriting guideline is not a trade 
secret for purposes of this section.