Amend the committee report for SB 820 as follows:                            
	In SECTION 1, on page 1, line 15, following the word 
"assigned" and before the "." add the following:

", except as provided in subsection (e).                               
	In SECTION 1, following subsection (d) on line 16, add the 
following subsection (e):
	(e)  The first certification of impairment rating may be 
disputed after the 90 day period if there is compelling evidence 
establishing the following:
(1)  a significant error on the part of the certifying 
doctor in applying the appropriate American Medical Association 
Guides or calculating the impairment rating;
(2)  a clear mis-diagnosis or a previously undiagnosed 
medical condition;
(3)  prior improper or inadequate treatment of the 
injury which would render the certification of impairment rating 
invalid; or
(4)  other compelling circumstances adopted by 
commission rule.