Amend CSSB 76 as follows:                                                    
	(1)  In the introduction of SECTION 2 of the bill (committee 
printing, page 1, line 20), strike "and (i)" and substitute "(i), 
and (j)".
	(2)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, in proposed Subsection (g), 
Section 29.155, Education Code (committee printing, page 1, line 
22), by striking "section" and substituting "subsection".
	(3)  In SECTION 2 of the bill strike proposed Subsection (i), 
Section 29.155, Education Code, (committee printing, page 1, lines 
33-36), and substitute the following:
	(i)  In carrying out the purposes of Subsection (g), a school 
district or open-enrollment charter school may use funds granted to 
the district or school under this subsection in contracting with 
another entity, including a private entity.
	(j)  If a school district or open-enrollment charter school 
returns to the commissioner funds granted under this section, the 
commissioner may grant those funds to another entity, including a 
private entity, for the purposes of Subsection (g).