Amend SB 115, committee printing, as follows:                                
	Between lines 1-25 and 1-26, insert a new SECTION 2 to read as 
follows, and renumber the subsequent SECTIONS:
	SECTION 2.  Article 5.35, Chapter 5, Insurance Code, is 
amended by adding Article 5.35(k) to read as follows:
	(k)(1) For any policy form and endorsements approved by the 
commissioner under Subsections (a), (b), or (c) of this article, 
the commissioner shall promulgate a comparison form for that 
(2)  The comparison form shall be developed with the 
assistance of the office of public insurance counsel and with input 
from the public and shall be designed to explain the features and 
limitations of the policy compared to other approved policies.  An 
insurer using a policy form may be required to develop the 
comparison form and submit it for approval by the commissioner.  The 
comparison form shall be made available by an insurer to anyone 
inquiring about the policy, and shall be made available by the 
department via the Internet and other means as prescribed by the 
(3)  The comparison form shall be designed to be 
easily read and understood in order to facilitate comparison and 
understanding of the policy and must meet the requirements of 
Subsection (h) of this article.  At a minimum, the comparison form 
shall show the features of the policy compared to the HO-B, HO-A, 
and at least one other policy for widely in use in this state.
(4)  The commissioner may adopt rules to carry out the 
purposes of this subsection.