Amend Proposed CSSB 127 (House Committee Report) as follows:                 
	(1)  On Page 1, Line 15, insert a new Subdivision (1) to read 
as follows and renumber subsequent subdivisions accordingly:
		(1)  "Appliance" means a household device operated by 
gas or electric current, including hoses directly attached to the 
appliance.  The term includes but is not limited to air conditioning 
units, heating units, refrigerators, dishwashers, icemakers, 
clothes washers, clothes dryers, stoves, ovens, water heaters, food 
warmers, trash compactors, and disposers.
	(2)  On Page 2, Line 20, after the period, add the following 
to read:        
	"An insurer may not use appliance related claims that have 
been repaired by generally prudent and acceptable repair methods as 
underwriting guidelines unless more than three appliance related 
claims were filed in the preceding three years."
	(3)  On Page 2, Line 26, between "claims" and "at" add "that 
are not repaired appliance related claims".
	(4)  On Page 3, Line 10, between "claims" and "made" add "that 
are not repaired appliance related claims".
	(5)  On Page 4, Line 6, between "claim" and the period, add 
"and repaired appliance related claims".