Amend CSSB 244 as follows:                                                   
	(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Subsection (a), 
Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, page 1, lines 
20-22), strike "last day on which the governor may veto a bill 
enacted during the regular legislative session [day of final 
adjournment]" and substitute "day of final adjournment".
	(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, between amended Subsections 
(a) and (b), Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, 
page 1, between lines 28 and 29), insert the following:
	(b)  During the period beginning on the day after a regular 
legislative session adjourns and continuing through the last day on 
which the governor may veto a bill enacted during the regular 
legislative session, a person may not knowingly make a political 
contribution to:
		(1)  the governor;                                                     
		(2)  a member of the legislature; or                                   
		(3)  a specific-purpose committee for supporting, 
opposing, or assisting the governor or a member of the legislature.
	(3)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Subsection (b), 
Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, page 1, line 
29), strike "(b)" and substitute "(c)".
	(4)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, between amended Subsections 
(b) and (c), Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, 
page 1, between lines 34 and 35), insert the following:
	(d)  The governor, a member of the legislature, or a 
specific-purpose committee for supporting, opposing, or assisting 
the governor or a member of the legislature may not knowingly accept 
a political contribution, and shall refuse a political contribution 
that is received, during the period prescribed by Subsection (b).
	(5)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Subsection (c), 
Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, page 1, line 
35), strike "(c)" and substitute "(e)".
	(6)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Subsection (c), 
Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, page 1, line 
36), between "(a)" and "shall", insert "or (b)".
	(7)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Subsection (c), 
Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, page 1, line 
39), between "(a)" and "if", insert "or (b)".
	(8)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Subsection (d), 
Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, page 1, line 
45), strike "(d)" and substitute "(f)".
	(9)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Subdivision (1), 
Subsection (d), Section 253.034, Election Code (committee 
printing, page 1, line 49), between "(a)" and "in", insert "or (b)".
	(10)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Subsection (e), 
Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, page 1, line 
61), strike "(e)" and substitute "(g)".
	(11)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, between amended Subsections 
(e) and (f), Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, 
between page 1, line 63, and page 2, line 1), insert the following:
	(h)  Subsections (b) and (d) apply to a political 
contribution to a member of the legislature or a specific-purpose 
committee for supporting, opposing, or assisting a member of the 
legislature only if the legislature is meeting in special session 
during the period prescribed by Subsection (b).
	(12)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in amended Subsection (f), 
Section 253.034, Election Code (committee printing, page 2, line 
1), strike "(f)" and substitute "(i)".