Amend CSSB 252 as follows:                                                   
	(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 157.004(2), 
Finance Code, after the semicolon (committee printing, page 1, line 
61), strike "or".
	(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 157.004, 
Finance Code, between "Chapter 156" and the period (committee 
printing, page 1, line 63), insert the following:

"; or                                                                  
		(4)  an authorized lender licensed under Chapter 342 
			(A)  the authorized lender includes with an 
application for a mortgage loan a notice that is substantially 
similar to the notice required by Section 157.007 and provides the 
method of submitting complaints to the consumer credit 
			(B)  the authorized lender uses the forms adopted 
by the Finance Commission of Texas under Section 157.011(b); and
			(C)  the Finance Commission of Texas determines by 
rule that the consumer credit commissioner may suspend or revoke a 
license issued under Chapter 342 if the authorized lender engages 
in unlawful or unfair practices while making a mortgage loan".