Amend CSSB 264 (house committee report) as follows:                          

(1)  In SECTION 10 of the bill, in amended Section 	2306.111(d), Government Code (page 9, lines 9 and 10), strike "each 
uniform state service region" and substitute "the state [each 
uniform state service region]".
	(2)  In SECTION 10 of the bill, in amended Section 
2306.111(d), Government Code in the last sentence (page 9, lines 
20-23), strike the language beginning with "from a particular" and 
ending with "feasibility." and substitute the following:

"from a particular category of urban, exurban, or rural areas
[uniform state service region], the department shall use the unused 
funds or credits allocated to that type of area [region] for the 
remaining types of areas [all other regions] based on identified 
need and financial feasibility, except that the department shall 
allocate to rural areas of this state a minimum of 15 percent of the 
funds or credits described by this section."
	(3)  In SECTION 10 of the bill, in amended Section 
2306.111(e), Government Code (page 10, lines 2 and 3), strike "each 
uniform state service region" and substitute "the state [each 
uniform state service region]".