Amend CSSB 270 by adding the following appropriately 
numbered SECTION and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill 
	SECTION ____.  Chapter 466, Government Code, is amended by 
adding Subchapter K to read as follows:
Sec. 466.601. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Indian lands" means: (A) land located within an Indian reservation; and (B) land over which an Indian tribe exercises governmental power and the title to which is: (i) held in trust by the United States for the benefit of an Indian tribe or individual member of an Indian tribe; or (ii) held by an Indian tribe or individual member of an Indian tribe and subject to restriction by the United States against alienation. (2) "Indian tribe" means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians that: (A) is recognized by the United States secretary of the interior as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians; and (B) is recognized by the United States as having powers of self-government. Sec. 466.602. VIDEO LOTTERY AUTHORIZED. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, an Indian tribe may operate video lottery as authorized by this chapter pursuant to a contract with the comptroller. (b) To operate video lottery under this subchapter, an Indian tribe must be an Indian tribe as listed by the United States secretary of the interior under 25 U.S.C. Section 479a-1 on or before January 1, 1998. (c) An Indian tribe may operate video lottery only on Indian lands placed into trust by the United States for the benefit of the Indian tribe on or before January 1, 1998. (d) An Indian tribe eligible to operate video lottery under this subchapter is not required to be licensed under this chapter. Sec. 466.603. MONITORING; AUDITS. The comptroller shall monitor the video lottery or other gaming activity of an Indian tribe that contracts with the comptroller to operate video lottery under this subchapter. The contract must: (1) provide that the comptroller may inspect all public and nonpublic areas of the premises where the Indian tribe operates video lottery or any gaming activity; (2) require the conduct of an annual audit by this state or an auditor selected by this state of the Indian tribe's video lottery operations; and (3) provide that the comptroller may examine and review all financial records of the Indian tribe's video lottery operations at any reasonable time. Sec. 466.604. REVENUE SHARING. An Indian tribe operating video lottery under this subchapter shall remit to the comptroller not later than the 15th day of each month an amount equal to 10 percent of the net terminal income received by the Indian tribe during the preceding month.