Amend CSSB 275 (House committee printing) as follows:                        

(1)  In SECTION 3.53 of the bill, in added Section 	151.429(j), Tax Code (page 117, line 10), between "2003," and 
"may", insert "other than an enterprise project for which the 
application for enterprise project designation was submitted in 
calendar year 2002,".
	(2)  In SECTION 3.63 of the bill (page 123, line 14), strike 
"The" and substitute "(a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of 
this section, the".
	(3)  In SECTION 3.63 of the bill (page 123, between lines 22 
and 23), insert the following:
	(b)  The changes in law made by this Act to Chapter 2303, 
Government Code, and Chapters 151 and 171, Tax Code, apply to an 
enterprise project approved by the Texas Economic Development Bank 
after September 1, 2003, for which the application for enterprise 
project designation was submitted in calendar year 2002.