Amend CSSB 275 (House committee printing) as follows:                        

(1)  In SECTION 1.41 of the bill, in amended Section 481.172, 	Government Code (page 32, line 18), strike "and".
	(2)  In SECTION 1.41 of the bill, in amended Section 481.172, 
Government Code (page 32, line 21), between "encouragement" and the 
period, insert the following:

"; and                                                                 
		(10)  promote the sports industry and related 
industries in this state, including promoting this state as a host 
for national and international amateur athletic competition and 
promoting sports or fitness programs for the residents of this 
state, if funds are appropriated for the promotion".
	(3)  In SECTION 1.41 of the bill, in amended Section 481.172, 
Government Code (page 34, between lines 5 and 6), insert the 
	"(c)  The promotion of the sports industry and related 
industries under Subsection (a)(10) may include the establishment 
by the governor of a Texas Sports Commission composed of volunteers 
who are knowledgeable about or active in amateur sports."