SB 277 is amended on third reading by striking the language in 
Second Reading Floor Amendment No. 5 amending Sec. 1001.053, 
Occupations Code and substituting the following:
	SECTION _____. Section 1001.053, Occupations Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	Sec. 1001.053. PUBLIC WORKS. The following work is exempt 
from this chapter: 
		(1) a public work that involves structural, electrical, 
or mechanical engineering, if the contemplated expense for the 
completed project is $20,000 [$8,000] or less;
		(2) a public work that does not involve structural, 
electrical, or mechanical engineering, if the contemplated expense 
for the completed project is $20,000 or less; or
		(3) road maintenance or improvement undertaken by the 
commissioners court of a county.