Amend CSSB 279, Senate committee printing, as follows:                       
	(1)  Strike ARTICLE 22 of the bill (page 41, line 64, through  
page 43, line 37).
	(2)  In SECTION 26.002 of the bill, in amended Section 
37.002(1), Water Code (page 49, line 39), strike "341.034(a) and 
(b)" and substitute "341.034(a), (b), and (e)".
	(3)  In SECTION 26.003 of the bill, in amended Section 
37.003, Water Code (page 49, line 51), strike "341.034(a) or (b)" 
and substitute "341.034(a), (b), or (e)".
	(4)  In SECTION 26.004 of the bill, in added Section 
38.052(1), Water Code (page 49, line 69, through page 50, line 1), 
strike "341.034(c), (d), and (e)" and substitute "341.034(c) and 
	(5)  In SECTION 26.004 of the bill, in added Section 38.101, 
Water Code (page 50, line 22), strike "341.034(c), (d), or (e)" and 
substitute "341.034(c) or (d)".