Amend CSSB 286, in SECTION 19 of the bill, in Section 
61.0902(b)(2), Education Code as follows:
	(1)  In Section 61.0902(b)(2)(J) (page 10, line 40) after 
"degrees are offered" strike "and";
	(2)  In Section 61.0902(b)(2)(K) (page 10, line 42) after 
"degrees are offered" strike "." and insert "; and"
	(3)  (page 10, between lines 42 and 43), insert new (L) and 
(M) to read as follows:
(L)  a description of any departments, schools, 
or certificate or degree programs of the institution that have a 
statewide or national reputation for excellence; and
(M)  statistics regarding job placement rates 
for students awarded certificates or degrees by the institution.