Amend SB 418 (house committee printing) as follows:                          

(1)  In SECTION 4 of the bill, in added Section 3E(g), 	Article 3.70-3C, Insurance Code (page 13, line 5), strike "If" and 
substitute the following:

Subject to the insurance policy's contract provisions relating to 
fraud, material misrepresentation, preexisting conditions, benefit 
maximums, eligibility of coverage, and exclusions, if
	(2)  In SECTION 19 of the bill, in added Section 843.347(g), 
Insurance Code (page 41, line 17), strike "If" and substitute the 

Subject to the health maintenance organization plan's contract 
provisions relating to fraud, material misrepresentation, 
preexisting conditions, benefit maximums, eligibility of coverage, 
and exclusions, if