Amend CSSB 418 as follows:                                                   
	(1)  On page 7, lines 24 through 33, strike the current 
Subsection (e) and replace with:
	"(e)  An insurer shall have appropriate personnel reasonably 
available at a toll-free telephone number to respond to requests 
for preauthorization between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. central time Monday 
through Friday on each day that is not a legal holiday.  An insurer 
must have a telephone system capable of accepting or recording 
incoming phone calls for preauthorizations after 5 p.m. central 
time Monday through Friday and on Saturday, Sunday, and legal 
holidays and responding to each of those calls not later than 24 
hours after the call is received."
	(2)  On page 17, line 64 through page 18, line 5, strike the 
current Subsection (f) and replace with:
	"(f)  An insurer shall have appropriate personnel reasonably 
available at a toll-free telephone number to respond to requests 
for preauthorization between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. central time Monday 
through Friday on each day that is not a legal holiday.  An insurer 
must have a telephone system capable of accepting or recording 
incoming phone calls for preauthorizations after 5 p.m. central 
time Monday through Friday and on Saturday, Sunday, and legal 
holidays and responding to each of those calls not later than 24 
hours after the call is received."