Amend CSSB 422 as follows:                                                   
	(1)  On page 1, line 6, insert new SECTION 1.01 and renumber 
subsequent SECTIONS appropriately to read as follows:  SECTION. 
1.01.  Chapter 601, Transportation Code is amended by adding 
section 601.010 to Subchapter A to read as follows:  Sec. 601.010.  
Leased Vehicle.  In applying the requirements of this Chapter to a 
situation in which the vehicle is subject to a written lease which 
had an original term of one year or longer and the person who has 
legal title to the vehicle does not have actual physical possession 
of the vehicle at the time the requirement applies, the 
requirements and fees of this chapter otherwise applicable to an 
owner or to a person who registers or renews registration of a 
vehicle shall instead apply to the lessee and not to the person who 
holds legal title to the vehicle or who owns the lease.  However, in 
that situation the person who holds legal title to the vehicle shall 
promptly, upon receipt from the Department or its designated agent 
of a request for information about the motor vehicle and the owner's 
method of establishing financial responsibility, provide to the 
Department or its designated agent the name of the lessee and the 
last known address of the lessee according to the titleholder's 
records.  The civil and criminal penalties of this chapter which 
otherwise are applicable to owners or to a person who registers the 
vehicle or to the vehicle shall not apply to an owner or the vehicle 
of an owner which complies with this section, but shall instead 
apply to the lessee, and the Department shall not terminate the 
registration of an owner's vehicle which is subject to a lease 
described in this section.