Amend SB 521 (House Committee Printing) between SECTIONS 11 
and 12 of the bill (page 15, between lines 22 and 23) by inserting 
the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS and renumbering 
subsequent SECTIONS accordingly:
	SECTION __.  Chapter 232, Local Government Code, is amended 
by adding Subchapter F to read as follows:
Sec. 232.151. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter applies only to a county that: (1) has a population of 125,000 or more; (2) is in the same metropolitan statistical area as a county with a population of one million or more; and (3) has within its boundaries at least one state park or recreation area. Sec. 232.152. AREAS SUBJECT TO REGULATION. (a) This subchapter applies only to the unincorporated areas of the county. (b) A regulation adopted under this subchapter does not apply to a tract of land that the appraisal district appraises as agricultural or open-space land under Subchapter C or D, Chapter 23, Tax Code. Sec. 232.153. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS GENERALLY. The commissioners court of the county may regulate: (1) the percentage of a lot that may be occupied or developed; (2) population density; (3) the size, design, and construction of buildings; (4) the location, design, construction, extension, and size of streets and roads; (5) the location, design, construction, extension, size, and installation of water and wastewater facilities, including the requirements for connecting to a centralized water or wastewater system; (6) the location, design, construction, extension, size, and installation of drainage facilities and other required public facilities; (7) the location, design, and construction of parks, playgrounds, and recreational areas; and (8) the abatement of harm resulting from inadequate water or wastewater facilities. Sec. 232.154. COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY PLAN. Development regulations must be: (1) adopted in accordance with a county plan for growth and development of the county; and (2) coordinated with the comprehensive plans of municipalities located in the county. Sec. 232.155. DISTRICTS. (a) The commissioners court may divide the unincorporated area of the county into districts of a number, shape, and size the court considers best for carrying out this subchapter. (b) Development regulations may vary from district to district. Sec. 232.156. PROCEDURE GOVERNING ADOPTION OF REGULATIONS AND DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. (a) A development regulation adopted under this subchapter is not effective until it is adopted by the commissioners court after a public hearing. Before the 15th day before the date of the hearing, the commissioners court must publish notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. (b) The commissioners court may establish or amend a development regulation only by an order passed by a majority vote of the full membership of the court. Sec. 232.157. DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION. (a) The commissioners court may appoint a development commission to assist in the implementation and enforcement of development regulations adopted under this subchapter. (b) The development commission must consist of an ex officio presiding officer who must be a public official in the county and four additional members. (c) The development commission is advisory only and may recommend appropriate development regulations for the county. (d) The members of the development commission are subject to the same requirements relating to conflicts of interest that are applicable to the commissioners court under Chapter 171. Sec. 232.158. FEES. The commissioners court may set reasonable fees related to the implementation and enforcement of this subchapter. Sec. 232.159. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. (a) A person aggrieved by a development regulation adopted under this subchapter may petition the commissioners court or the development commission, if the commissioners court has established a development commission, for a special exception to a development regulation adopted by the commissioners court. (b) The commissioners court shall adopt procedures governing applications, notice, hearings, and other matters relating to the grant of a special exception. Sec. 232.160. ENFORCEMENT; PENALTY. (a) The commissioners court may adopt orders to enforce this subchapter or an order or development regulation adopted under this subchapter. (b) A person commits an offense if the person violates this subchapter or an order or development regulation adopted under this subchapter. An offense under this subsection is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $500 or more than $1,000. Each day that a violation occurs constitutes a separate offense. Trial shall be in the district court. Sec. 232.161. COOPERATION WITH MUNICIPALITIES. The commissioners court by order may enter into agreements with any municipality located in the county to assist in the implementation and enforcement of development regulations adopted under this subchapter. Sec. 232.162. CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAWS. If a development regulation adopted under this subchapter imposes higher standards than those required under another statute or local order or regulation, the regulation adopted under this subchapter controls. If the other statute or local order or regulation imposes higher standards, that statute, order, or regulation controls. SECTION __. The heading to Chapter 232, Local Government Code, is amended to read as follows: