Amend SB 585 by adding the following appropriately numbered 
section to read as follows and by renumbering the other sections of 
the bill appropriately:
	SECTION __.  Chapter 756, Health and Safety Code, is amended 
by adding Subchapter G to read as follows:
Sec. 756.101. AUTHORIZATION. To protect the public health, safety, or welfare, a municipality may provide landscaping services, including tree-trimming, tree disposal, remediation, cleanup, and recycling services, to any person who resides inside or outside the corporate limits of the municipality only if the governing body of the municipality makes written findings as required by Section 756.102. Sec. 756.102. FINDINGS REQUIRED. The written findings must: (1) identify the problem requiring the need for providing municipal landscaping services; (2) identify the public health, safety, or welfare concern; (3) describe any reasonable actions previously taken to alleviate the problem; and (4) specify a period of definite duration necessary to address the problem.