Amend the proposed floor substitute to SB 671 as follows:                    
	(1) Throughout the substitute, in each instance that 
"commissioner" is added, strike "commissioner" and reinstate 
	(2) Throughout the substitute, in each section in which 
"Commissioner of the State Board on Property Valuation" or "board" 
is added to replace "comptroller", strike the applicable term and 
reinstate "comptroller".
	(3) Throughout the substitute, in each section in which 
"board" is added to replace "comptroller", strike "board" and 
reinstate "commissioner".
	(4) Throughout the substitute, in each section in which 
"commissioner" is added to replace "division of the office of the 
comptroller with responsibility for property taxes", strike 
"commissioner" and reinstate "division of the office of the 
comptroller with responsibility for property taxes".
	(5) Strike SECTION 6 of the substitute.                                        
	(6) In SECTION 20 of the substitute, on page 30, lines 10 and 
11, strike added Subdivision (20), Section 1.04, Tax Code.
	(7) Strike SECTION 23 of the substitute.                                       
	(8) Strike SECTION 112 of the substitute