Amend SB 930 between SECTIONS 1 and 2 of the bill (House 
Committee Report, page 5, between lines 3 and 4), by inserting the 
following new SECTION and by renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the 
bill accordingly:
	SECTION 2. Subsection (a), Section 22.052, Education Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(a) On the adoption of policies concerning the administration 
of medication to students by school district employees, the school 
district, its board of trustees, and its employees are immune from 
civil liability from damages or injuries resulting from the 
administration of medication to a student if:
		(1) the school district has received a written request 
to administer the medication from the parent, legal guardian, or 
other person having legal control of the student; and
		(2) when administering prescription medication, the 
medication is administered either:
			(A) from a container that appears to be:                       
				(i) [in] the original container; and         
				(ii) [to be] properly labeled; or            
			(B) from a properly labeled unit dosage container 
filled by a registered nurse or another qualified district 
employee, as determined by district policy, from a container 
described by Paragraph (A).