Amend SB 970 as follows:                                                     
	(1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike Section 122.003, 
Agriculture Code (Committee printing, page 1, lines 22-24, and page 
2, lines 1-3), and substitute the following:
person is registered as provided by Section 122.004, a person may 
		(1) sell the plant;                                                    
		(2) offer the plant for sale; or                                       
		(3) transport the plant out of this state.                             
	(2) In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike Sections 122.005, 
122.006, 122.007 and 122.008(a), Agriculture Code (Committee 
printing, page 2, lines 16-27, and page 3, lines 1-9), and 
substitute the following:
	Sec. 122.005. STOP-SALE ORDER. In enforcing this chapter, the 
department may issue and enforce a written or printed order to stop 
the sale of a desert plant or a shipment of desert plants sold or 
transported by a person who is not registered as provided by Section 
122.004.  If an order is issued, a person may not sell the plant or 
shipment until the person has been properly registered.
	Sec. 122.006. AUTHORITY TO SEIZE PLANTS. In enforcing this 
chapter, the department with or without process may seize a desert 
plant or a shipment of desert plants that is intended:
		(1) for sale or shipment by a person who is not 
registered as provided by Section 122.004; and
		(2) for transfer out of this state.                                    
	Sec. 122.007. PENALTY. (a) A person commits an offense if the 
		(1) advertises, sells, or offers for sale a desert plant 
or a shipment of desert plants; and
		(2) the person is not registered as provided by Section 