Amend SB 1045 by striking all below the enacting clause and 
substituting the following:
	SECTION 1.  (a)  The joint interim committee on 
postconviction exonerations is established to:
(1)  study the cause of and investigate wrongful 
criminal convictions;        
(2)  identify appropriate improvements in the 
criminal justice system to prevent future wrongful convictions;
(3)  recommend policies, procedures, practices, and 
legislation needed to prevent future wrongful convictions; and
(4)  assess the procedures used by counties to ensure 
due process and suggest a statewide model for procedures ensuring 
due process.
	(b)  The interim committee is composed of the following nine 
(1)  an attorney who represents the state in the 
prosecution of felonies, as appointed by the attorney general;
(2)  two members of the criminal justice committee of 
the senate who are appointed by the lieutenant governor;
(3)  two members of the criminal jurisprudence 
committee of the house of representatives who are appointed by the 
speaker of the house;
(4)  a member of the judiciary who is appointed by the 
chief justice of the supreme court;
(5)  two law professors who are appointed by the 
chancellor of The University of Texas System, one of whom works in 
the forensic science field; and
(6)  a criminal defense attorney who is appointed by 
the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association.
	(c)  The lieutenant governor shall designate one of the 
members of that committee who are appointed to the interim 
committee as described by Subsection (b) to serve as the chair of 
the interim committee.
	(d)  The interim committee shall meet initially at the call 
of the chair of the interim committee, and the interim committee 
shall subsequently hold meetings and public hearings at the call of 
the chair.  To the extent that it is financially possible, the 
interim committee shall hold public hearings in multiple locations 
across this state.
	(e)  The interim committee may issue process as provided by 
the senate and house of representatives rules of procedure and by 
Section 301.024, Government Code, and has all other powers and 
duties provided to special committees by the senate and house of 
represenatives rules of procedure, by Subchapter B, Chapter 301, 
Government Code, and by policies of the committees on 
	(f)  From the contingent expense fund of the senate and the 
contingent expense fund of the house of representatives equally, 
the members of the interim committee shall be reimbursed for 
expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this Act in 
accordance with the senate and house of representatives rules of 
procedure and the policies of the committees on administration.  
Other necessary expenses of operations shall be paid from the 
contingent expense fund of the senate and the contingent expense 
fund of the house of representatives equally.
	(g)  Not later than October 1, 2004, the interim committee 
shall prepare and deliver to the governor, the lieutenant governor, 
and the speaker of the house of representatives copies of the report 
containing the interim committee's findings and recommendations.
	SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives 
a vote of two-thirds of all members elected to each house, as 
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this 
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this 
Act takes effect September 1, 2003.
	SECTION 3.  A person or association required to appoint a 
member to the joint interim committee on postconviction 
exonerations shall make the appointment not later than October 1, 
