CSSB 1047 is amended by creating a new Section _____ as 
follows and renumbering all subsequent sections accordingly.
	SECTION _____. Chapter 171, Local Government Code, is amended 
by adding Section 171.010 to read as follows:
	Sec. 171.010. PRACTICE OF LAW. (a) For purposes of this 
chapter, a county judge or county commissioner engaged in the 
private practice of law has a substantial interest in a business 
entity if the official has entered a court appearance or signed 
court pleadings in a matter relating to that business entity.
	(b) A county judge or county commissioner that has a 
substantial interest in a business entity as described by 
Subsection (a) must comply with this chapter.
	(c) A judge of a constitutional county court may not enter a 
court appearance or sign court pleadings as an attorney in any 
matter before:
		(1) the court over which the judge presides; or                        
		(2) any court in this state over which the judge's court 
exercises appellate jurisdiction.
	(d) Upon compliance with this chapter, a county judge or 
commissioner may practice law in the courts located in the county 
where the county judge or commissioner serves.