Strike Section 8 and replace with SECTION 8:                                 
	SECTION 8: Section 2054.253, Government Code, as added by 
Chapter 342, Acts of the 77th Legislature, Regular Session, 2001, 
is amended by amending Subsection (a) to read as follows:
	(a) The authority consists of the comptroller, who serves ex 
officio, or the designee of the comptroller, and a board member who 
serves at the pleasure of the governor, and 15 members appointed by 
the governor, as follows:
	[a representative of each of the following state officers or 
agencies appointed by the state officer or the governing body of the 
agency: [(A) the comptroller; and [(B) the department];
		(2)(1) three representatives of local governments 
appointed by the governor, including one representative from a 
junior college district;
		(3)(2) three representatives of businesses that are 
regulated by a state agency or local government, appointed by the 
governor, including one representative from a rural area;
		(4)(3) four representatives of state agencies, 
including an institution of higher education other than a junior 
college district, appointed by the governor, including one 
representative from a rural area; and
		(5)(4) five [three] public members appointed by the 
governor, including one representative from a rural area.
	Strike Section 11 and replace as follows:                                      
	SECTION 11. Section 2054.255, Government Code, is amended to 
read as follows:
	Sec. 2054.255. PRESIDING OFFICER. The Governor shall 
designateThe member of the authority representing the department 
is the presiding officer of the authority to serve at the pleasure 
of the Governor.