Amend SB 1470 as follows:                                                    
	(1)  On page 2, line 16, strike "one half" and substitute "one 
	(2)  Strike lines 21 on page 2 through line 11 on page 3 and 
substitute the following:
	(f)  A [Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, a] 
student participating in a program authorized by this section must 
have taken the [exit-level] assessment instruments specified by 
Section [39.025(a)] 39.023(a) for grade 9 before entering the 
program and [or] must take each grade level [those] assessment 
instrument administered [instruments] during the period [first 
year] in which the student is enrolled in the program.  [The 
commissioner may authorize a student to take the assessment 
instruments required by Section 39.023(a) to be administered to 
students in grade 10 instead of the exit-level assessment 
instruments.]  A student participating in the program may not take 
the high school equivalency examination unless the student has 
taken the assessment instruments required by this subsection.