Amend SB 1639 as follows:                                                    
	(1) On page 1, line 6, striking "Subsection (d)" and 
substitute "Subsections (d) and (e)".
	(2) On page 1, between lines 17 and 18, insert a new 
Subsection (e) to Section 36.116, Water Code, to read as follows:
	(e) In regulating the production of groundwater under 
Subsection (a)(2), a district:
		(1) shall select a method that is appropriate based on:                
			(A) the hydrogeological conditions of the aquifer 
or aquifers in the district; or
			(B) the goals of the district's management plan; 
		(2) may limit the amount of water produced based on 
contiguous surface acreage.