Amend CSSB 1652 (House Committee Report) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION to ARTICLE 4 of the bill and renumbering the other SECTIONS of ARTICLE 4 of the bill appropriately: SECTION _____. Subchapter G, Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 61.3035 to read as follows: Sec. 61.3035. EXEMPTION FOR CERTAIN SEMINARIES. Notwithstanding this chapter or any other law, a nonprofit corporation may operate a seminary or similar institution and confer or offer to confer degrees or credits toward degrees for a "master of divinity," "master of ministry," "doctor of ministry," or other similar exclusively religious degrees if: (1) the seminary or other institution: (A) is affiliated with an association of churches, synagogues, or other similar religious organizations; and (B) operates at least: (i) one campus located in a county with a population greater than three million; (ii) one campus located in a county with a population of 250,000 or more and less than 500,000; or (iii) one campus located in a county with a population of less than 250,000; (2) each campus of the seminary or other institution is contained in a building owned by a religious organization; and (3) each building in which the seminary or other institution operates contains, or is adjacent to, a religious organization's principal place of worship.