Amend SB 1820 as follows:                                                    
	(1)  Strike lines 5 and 6 on page 1 and substitute the 
	SECTION 1.  Subsections (b) and (c), Section 39.072, 
Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
	(2)  Add the following between lines 1 and 2 on page 2:                        
	(c)  The agency shall evaluate against state standards and 
shall report the performance of each campus in a district and each 
open-enrollment charter school on the basis of the campus's 
performance on the indicators adopted under Sections 39.051(b)(1) 
through (7).  Consideration of the effectiveness of district 
programs under subsections (b)(2) or (3) must be based on data 
collected through the Public Education Information Management 
System for purposes of accountability under this chapter and 
include the results of assessments required under Section 39.023.