Amend SB 1862 by amending Sections 32.024(i) and 32.027(b)
and (e), Human Resources Code to read as follows:
Section 32.024(i), Human Resources Code. i) Subject to
appropriated state funds, the [The] department in its adoption of
rules shall establish a medically needy program that serves
pregnant women, children, and caretakers who have high medical
Section 32.027(b) and (e), Human Resources Code.
(b) Subject to appropriated state funds, the [The]
department shall assure that a recipient of medical assistance
under this chapter may select a licensed podiatrist to perform any
foot health care service or procedure covered under the medical
assistance program if the podiatrist is authorized by law to
perform the service or procedure. This subsection shall be
liberally construed.
(e) Subject to appropriated state funds, the [The]
department shall assure that a recipient of medical assistance
under this chapter may select a licensed psychologist or a licensed
marriage and family therapist, as defined by Section 502.002,
Occupations Code, to perform any health care service or procedure
covered under the medical assistance program if the selected
psychologist or marriage and family therapist is authorized by law
to perform the service or procedure. This subsection shall be
liberally construed.