Amend CSSJR 42 as follows:                                                   
	In Section 50(a)(6), Article XVI, Texas Constitution, add an 
appropriately lettered paragraph to read as follows and reletter 
paragraphs accordingly:
(  )  has an annual percentage rate of 10 percent or 
greater and the lender provides to the borrower, no later than five 
business days after the date the application is made:
(1)  a statement regarding the value of housing 
counseling before taking out a home equity loan;
(2)  a list of the nearest available housing 
counseling agencies approved by the United State Department of 
Housing and Urban Development;
(3)  a list of other resources where home equity 
lending information can be found, including toll-free telephone 
numbers and online resources;
(4)  a good faith estimate specifically listing 
all loan fees, including points, to be paid by the borrower; and
(5)  other disclosures required by the finance 
commission, and the consumer credit commissioner, which include a 
separate document from the commissioner labeled conspicuously with 
the seal of the State of Texas;