Senate Research CenterH.B. 1030
78R3789 KEG-FBy: Hardcastle (Duncan)
Intergovernmental Relations


The Act creating the Hardeman County Hospital District (district) was
passed by the 66th Texas Legislature in 1979 and updated by the 76th
Legislature in 1999.  H.B. 1030 updates the district's enabling
legislation; authorizes the district to use a combination of taxes and
revenues to pay for and secure bonds approved by district voters; and
validates previously issued notes, warrants, and other obligations of the


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to
a state officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 4, Chapter 214, Acts of the 66th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1979, by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection
(j), as follows: 

(a) Requires the board of the Hardeman County Hospital District (board) to
invest any operating, depreciation, or building reserves in accordance
with Chapter 2256, Government Code.  Makes nonsubstantive changes. 

(j) Authorizes the district to sponsor and create a nonprofit corporation
under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01 et seq.,
V.T.C.S.) and to contribute funds to or solicit funds on behalf of the
corporation.  Authorizes the corporation to use district funds only to
provide health care or other services the district is authorized to
provide under this Act.  Requires the board to establish adequate controls
to ensure that the corporation uses its funds in accordance with this
subsection.  Authorizes the corporation to invest corporation funds in any
manner that the district may invest funds, including investments
authorized under Chapter 2256, Government Code.   

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 6, Chapter 214, Acts of the 66th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1979, as follows:   

(a) Deletes text requiring that the board, in ordering a bond election, to
specify the date of the election, the amount of bonds to be authorized,
the maximum maturity of the bonds, the place or places where the election
will be held, and the presiding judge and alternate judge for each voting
place and to provide for clerks as in county elections.  Provides that
Section 41.001(a), Election Code, does not apply to a bond election
ordered by the board. Requires a bond election to be conducted in
accordance with Chapter 1251, Government Code, except as otherwise
provided by this Act.  Deletes text requiring the board to canvass the
returns and declare the results. 

(b) Deletes text requiring that, if the refunding bonds are to be sold and
the proceeds applied to the payment of any outstanding indebtedness, the
refunding bonds be issued and payments made in the manner specified by
Chapter 503, Acts of the 54th Legislature, 1955, as amended (Article 717k,
V.T.C.S.).  Requires refunding bonds to be issued in accordance with
Chapter 1207, Government Code. 

(c) Requires bonds of the district to mature within 40 years of their
date, to be executed in  the name of the hospital district and in its
behalf by the president of the board, to be countersigned by the secretary
in the manner provided by Chapter 618, Government Code, to bear interest
at a rate not to exceed that prescribed by Chapter 1204, Government Code,
and to be subject to the same requirements in the manner of approval by
the attorney general and registration by the comptroller of public
accounts as are by law provided for approval and registration of bonds
issued by counties.  Makes nonsubstantive changes.    

SECTION 3.  Amends Chapter 214, Acts of the 66th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1979, by adding Sections 8A and 8B to read as follows:  

board, in addition to the power to issue bonds payable solely from and
secured by taxes imposed by the district as authorized by Section 6 of
this Act and the power to issue bonds payable from and secured by revenues
and other sources as authorized by Section 8 of this Act, to provide for
the security and payment of district bonds from a pledge of a combination
of ad valorem taxes, as authorized by Section 6 of this Act, and the
revenues and other sources authorized by Section 8 of this Act. Requires
bonds, other than refunding bonds, that the board proposes to secure
wholly or partly by an ad valorem tax to be approved at an election held
in the district in accordance with Section 6 of this Act. 

the district to use the proceeds of bonds described by Section 6, 8, or 8A
of this Act to make certain payments. 

(b)  Prohibits a "period of acquisition or construction," as that term is
used in Subsection (a) of this section, from exceeding five years. 

SECTION 4.  Amends Section 9(b), Chapter 214, Acts of the 66th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1979, to authorize a contract for
construction that requires expenditures in excess of the amount prescribed
by Section 271.024, Local Government Code, to be made only after
competitive bidding as provided by Chapter 271B, Local Government Code. 

SECTION 5.  Amends Chapter 214, Acts of the 66th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1979, by adding Section 14B to read as follows: 

that certain entities are validated in all respects as though they were
originally and duly authorized, issued, accomplished, validated, ratified,
approved, and confirmed. 

(b) Authorizes notes, warrants, and other obligations evidencing
borrowings of the district that are validated under this section to be
refunded by refunding bonds payable from and secured by a source
authorized by Section 6, 8, or 8A of this Act.  Requires bonds to be
issued in accordance with Chapter 1207, Government Code, and to mature not
later than the 40th anniversary of the date of issuance. 

SECTION 6.  Effective date:  upon passage or September 1, 2003.