H.B. 1317 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

H.B. 1317
By: Haggerty
Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Committee Report (Unamended)

Progressive bingo is a specific type of bingo game played in other states.
In a progressive bingo game the player must achieve a specific pattern, by
the time a specified number of bingo balls have been selected, in order to
win the jackpot.  If the player does not achieve the specific pattern
within the specified number of numbers being called, the game is played
until someone achieves a winning pattern.  A consolation prize is awarded
and the remainder of the advertised prize amount is carried over and added
to the next progressive bingo game. 

 This proposed legislation grants licensed organizations the authority to
conduct progressive bingo games and sets forth regulations governing those
progressive bingo games. 

It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is expressly
delegated to the Texas Lottery Commission in SECTION 2 (Sec.2001.421,
Occupations Code) of this bill. 

Amends Section 2001.002, Occupations Code (Bingo Enabling Act), by adding
Subdivision (23-a) to define "progressive bingo." Amends Subchapter I,
Chapter 2001, Occupations Code (Bingo Enabling Act), by adding Section
2001.421, to authorize a licensed organization to conduct a progressive
bingo game; authorize only one progressive bingo game to be conducted
during any one bingo occasion;  provides that Section 2001.420(a) of this
Act does not apply to a progressive bingo game and provides that the
prizes awarded in a progressive bingo game do not count toward the total
amount of prizes described by Section 2001.420(b) of this Act;  prohibits
the prize for the first bingo occasion of a progressive bingo game from
exceeding $750 and authorizes the prize to be increased by no more than
$500 on each successive bingo occasion until the progressive bingo game is
won; requires the progressive bingo game to be continued at a future
occasion until a winner is declared if the prize for a progressive bingo
game is not awarded at a bingo occasion;  authorizes a consolation prize
of not more than $250 for a progressive bingo game to be awarded at each
bingo occasion during which the game is played; provides that a licensed
authorized organization that conducts a progressive bingo game must post
the rules for that game as part of the organization's house rules prior to
the start of the bingo occasion.  Provides that those rules must remain in
effect until a winner is declared for the progressive bingo game, except
as otherwise ordered by the Texas Lottery Commission (commission);
provides that if multiple licensed authorized organizations conduct bingo
at the same location, each organization is responsible for its own
progressive bingo games; provides that a licensed authorized organization
conducting a progressive bingo game must maintain adequate records as
specified by the commission, showing the development of the prize increase
and accounting for all gross receipts taken in for that game; provides
that Sections 2001.502 and 2001.503 of this Act apply to a prize awarded
in a progressive bingo game, including a consolation prize; and requires
the commission to adopt rules as necessary to implement this section. 

Requires the commission to adopt rules to administer a progressive bingo
game by October 1, 2003. Prohibits the conduct of a progressive game until
such rules are adopted. 

Upon passage, or, if the Act does not receive the necessary vote, the Act
takes effect September 1, 2003.