H.B. 1331 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

H.B. 1331
By: Solomons
Committee Report (Unamended)


The 75th Legislature enacted Chapter 244, Subchapter A, Local Government
county or city governing bodies to review and veto correctional or
rehabilitation facilities proposed to be located within 1,000 feet of
residential areas, schools, public parks, or places of worship.  The
Subchapter applies to certain facilities such as state jails, parole
offices, and boot camps operated by, or contracted for, the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice, the Texas Youth Commission, or political
subdivisions of the state.  The Subchapter provides for the Sunset
Advisory Commission to review these statutes before they expire on
September 1, 2003.  As a result of its review of the Subchapter, the
Sunset Advisory Commission recommended continuation of this provision and
statutory modifications that are contained in H.B. 1331. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or


SECTION 1.The bill amends Section 244.002, Local Government Code, to
require the state, or a private vendor operating under a contract with an
agency or political subdivision of the state, to provide written notice to
commissioners courts and the governing bodies of municipalities in
locations where a facility regulated under the Subchapter is proposed to
be located or operated.  The bill amends the statute to require that this
notice include a statement of the entity's intent to construct or operate
a facility, the proposed location of the facility, and that the notice of
and consent to the proposed facility is governed under this Subchapter. 

SECTION 2.  The bill amends Section 244.004, Local Government Code, to
allow a public meeting held by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
under the Government Code to satisfy the meeting required under the
Subchapter, with written approval from the affected county commissioners
court or municipality's governing body and if during the meeting a
determination is made as to whether operating the facility in the proposed
location would be in the best interest of the county or municipality.  If
the public hearing requirement is met in the manner described above, the
commissioners court of a county or governing body of a municipality may
adopt a resolution without holding a public hearing under Subsection (a).
The bill allows these local governing bodies to hold a separate public
hearing under the Local Government Code as necessary or appropriate. 
SECTION 3. The bill amends Section 244.007, Local Government Code, by
stating that if the Subchapter conflicts with Section 508.119 of the
Government Code, regarding community residential facilities operated by,
or contracted for, the Pardons and Paroles Division of the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice, the Subchapter prevails. 

SECTION 4.  The bill repeals Section 244.005, Local Government Code, that
provides for written  request to receive notice on these facilities to
conform with provisions of the bill, and it repeals Section 244.008, Local
Government Code, removing the Subchapter's expiration date.   

SECTION 5.Effective date. 


September 1, 2003.