H.B. 1563 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

H.B. 1563
By: Casteel
Land & Resource Management
Committee Report (Unamended)


The General Land Office is charged with the preservation of Texas'
historic maps and supporting documents.  In 2000, the General Land Office
created the Adopt-A-Map/Adopt-A-Document Program to allow Texans to make
tax deductible contributions for the preservation of the agency's
important historic maps and documents. 

H.B. 1563 proposes adding the Adopt-A-Map/Adopt-A-Document Program to the
State Employee's Charitable Campaign Program (SECC).  Currently, the Parks
and Wildlife Foundation of Texas, Inc. and the Bob Bullock State History
Museum participate in the SECC.  


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or


SECTION 1.Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 31, Natural Resources Code, by
adding Section 31.0655 as follows: 

Allows the General Land Office to be considered a charitable organization
entitled to participate in the state employee charitable campaign for the
purpose of managing the Adopt-A-Map/Adopt-A-Document Program.   

Authorizes a state employee to authorize a deduction for contributions to
the Adopt-A-Map/Adopt-A-Document Program. 

SECTION 2.Authorizes the General Land Office to participate in the program
during the autumn of 2003. 

SECTION 3.Effective date.


September 1, 2003 unless the Act receives the vote necessary for immediate