C.S.H.B. 1660 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

C.S.H.B. 1660
By: Flores
County Affairs
Committee Report (Substituted)

Current law does not require that county jails operate video camera
surveillance systems within their respective facilities.  In Texas, county
jails are multi-function facilities.  Inmates awaiting pretrial, inmates
sentenced and awaiting their transfer to a prison,  and those sentenced
for short terms for misdemeanors are housed in any given county jail.
County jails hold inmates convicted of felonies and misdemeanors alike.
Unlike prisons, many inmates have not yet been convicted of a crime, but
because they do not have the resources, they remain incarcerated for weeks
and longer awaiting a court-appointed attorney.   

A high level of surveillance cameras is necessary within these facilities
to ensure that the inmates, depending upon their incarceration program,
are maintained in their areas, along with guaranteeing the security of the
guards and the inmates.  In many instances, it has been reported that the
lack of man-power and video cameras in certain areas contributed to
violent outbreaks  and occurrences such as rapes, suicides, and even
murders.  These acts often lead to costly suits against the county jails
by the family members of the victims. 

It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or

The bill requires the Commission on Jail Standards to submit a report
which investigates the feasibility, benefits, and alternatives of using
jail cameras as a preventative measure for violent acts in county jails to
each house of the legislature and to the House standing committee which
has jurisdiction over county affairs by December 1, 2004. 

September 1, 2003

CSHB 1660  requires the Commission on Jail Standards to submit a report
which investigates the feasibility, benefits, and alternatives of using
jail cameras as a preventative measure for violent acts in county jails. 

CSHB 1660 modifies the original by deleting the requirement of each county
jail to install a video camera surveillance system and expands the
investigation report to include alternatives of such systems in order to
take measures in the progression of solving the violent acts in the county
jail dilemma.  Additionally, the substitute modifies the due date of the
report to December 1, 2004 and expires on December 2, 2004.  CSHB 1660
adds the requirement of the report to also be given to the House standing
committee which has jurisdiction over county affairs.