H.B. 1979 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

C.S.H.B. 1979
By: Puente
Natural Resources
Committee Report (Substituted)


In 2002, there were 6,173 sanitary sewer overflows in the State of Texas,
discharging 190 million gallons of wastewater.  The EPA estimates that 42
percent of sanitary sewer overflows are a result of grease blocking pipes.
The proper use of grease traps by food service facilities and restaurants
can eliminate many of these overflows. 

C.S.H.B. 1979 addresses sanitary sewer overflow problems by directing the
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to adopt criteria
establishing model standards to prevent the discharge of untreated
wastewater from sanitary sewers. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or


SECTION 1. Requires the TCEQ to establish criteria for evaluating sanitary
sewer overflows resulting from a blockage due to grease.  Considerations
must include whether the spill could have been prevented, whether the
effects of the spill were minimized and whether the spill was reported in
accordance with law under Section 26.039(e), Water Code.  The TCEQ is also
directed to consider the adoption and enforcement of a set of model
standards for grease management to prevent or mitigate spills. 

SECTION 2. Provides that the commission shall adopt model standards
designed to prevent the discharge of untreated wastewater from sanitary
sewers. Components of the model standards include routine cleaning of
grease traps, a minimum schedule for grease trap cleaning, exceptions from
the cleaning schedule, proper installation of grease traps, alternative
treatment methods to prevent blockages, a uniform manifest system and a
penalty schedule. 

SECTION 3. Requires the TCEQ to adopt the required criteria and model
standards not later than the 90th day after the effective date of the Act. 


September 1, 2003


C.S.H.B. 1979 makes only clarifying changes to the original version on
page 1 of the bill, which include: 

The substitute clarifies in SECTION 1 (f) that the criteria adopted by the
commission are meant to address sanitary sewer overflows that occur as a
result of "a blockage due to grease" instead of as a result of "something
other than a rainfall event" as stated in the original. 

In addition, also in SECTION 1, new subsection (g), Section 26.049, Water
Code, the substitute  clarifies that evidence will be considered by the
commission if it is recognized by the executive director of the agency and
not the "executive director for grease management" as stated in the