H.B. 2063 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

H.B. 2063
By: Bohac
County Affairs
Committee Report (Unamended)

Currently, adult probation departments are included in the "Grievance
Procedure for County Employees" chapter of the Local Government Code which
applies only to Harris County.  While the Adult Probation Department is
specifically included in the statute, the department has no obligation to
follow the grievance committee's recommendation. Unlike the other
departments listed in the statute, the Harris County Commissioner's Court
has no authority over the Harris County Adult Probation Department and has
no jurisdiction to address grievances presented by the department's
employees.  This bill would correct Section 160.002 of the Local
Government Code and remove adult probation departments from the statute to
resolve the confusion the current statute creates. 

It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or

This bill amends Section 160.002 of the Local Government Code by removing
"adult probation departments," from the list of county departments the
chapter applies to. 

September 1, 2003.