C.S.H.B. 2351 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

C.S.H.B. 2351
By: Kuempel
State Cultural and Recreational Resources
Committee Report (Substituted)


The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) will enact a fee increase
for registration of boats in Texas in the coming months.  As TPWD has
endured cuts in its budget to fund state parks as a result of the recent
cuts made by the Texas Legislature, this bill will grant the authority to
transfer a portion of the funds gained from boat registration fees to be
applied toward the maintenance of the state park system. Currently 100
percent of boat registration fees are applied toward the Parks and
Wildlife game, fish, and water safety account.  Due to the increase in
registration fees, this account will not suffer a loss of funds due to
this act.  CSHB 2351 directs 15 percent of fees collected for vessel
registration, vessel manufacturer or dealer licensing fees, or outboard
motor tilting fees to be applied toward the state parks account. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or


CSHB 2351 amends the Parks and Wildlife Code to change the term
"motorboat" to "vessel" and stipulates that vessel and outboard motor
tilting fees will be applied to the game, fish, and water safety account.
CSHB 2351 also directs 15 percent of fees collected to for vessel
registration, vessel manufacturer or dealer licensing fees, or outboard
motor tilting fees be applied to the state parks account. 


September 1, 2003


The original bill provides that motorboat registration fees be divided
upon collection and placed in separate accounts.  In order to minimize the
administrative burden placed on the department, the substitute will direct
that 100 percent of the above mentioned funds be placed in the game, fish,
and water safety account.  No less than 10 days after the application of
said funds, 15 percent shall be withdrawn and placed into the state parks