Senate Research Center   H.B. 2682
78R6868 QS-DBy: Denny (Staples)


Currently, judges in Texas do not have permanent place numbers for their
offices.  For each election, the secretary of state assigns place numbers
prior to the filing deadline, but these numbers can vary from election to
election.  For instance, a judge on the court of appeals may be designated
Place 2 for one election and Place 4 for another.  This has led to
confusion among potential challengers as they may know which incumbent
they wish to challenge, but not which place number to use on their
application.  In addition, incumbents are under no obligation to file
under the place number designated by the secretary of state.   

H.B. 2682 eliminates this confusion by creating permanent place numbers
for the supreme court, the court of criminal appeals, and the courts of


Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the courts of appeals in
Section 3 (Section 22.216, Government Code) of this bill, and to the
supreme court, the court of criminal appeals, and the courts of appeals in
Section 5 of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 22, Government Code, by adding
Section 22.015, as follows: 
Sec. 22.015.  PERMANENT PLACE DESIGNATIONS.  (a)  Provides that the
supreme court is composed of a chief justice and of eight justices holding
places numbered consecutively beginning with Place 2. 
(b)  Provides that the designation of offices and places under this
section identifies the offices and places for all purposes, including
identification on official ballots for primary and general elections. 
SECTION 2.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 22, Government Code, by adding
Section 22.112, as follows: 
Sec. 22.112.  PERMANENT PLACE DESIGNATIONS.  (a)  Provides that the court
of criminal appeals is composed of a presiding judge and of eight judges
holding places numbered consecutively beginning with Place 2. 
(b)  Provides that the designation of offices and places under this
section identifies the offices and places for all purposes, including
identification on official ballots for primary and general elections. 
SECTION 3.  Amends Section 22.216, Government Code, as follows:

Provides that the Court of Appeals for the First Court of Appeals District
consists of a chief justice and of eight justices holding places numbered
consecutively beginning with Place 2. 
 (b)-(n)  Makes conforming changes, for the membership of the Second
through Fourteenth Courts of Appeal. 

(o)  Provides that the designation of offices and places under this
section identifies the offices and places for all purposes, including
identification on official ballots for primary and general elections. 
(p)  Requires the designation for those offices, if any additional offices
of justice of a court of appeals are created, to be in consecutive
numerical order beginning with the next available place number.  Provides
that if two or more offices of justice are created to take effect the same
date, and the legislature does not specify places for those offices, the
applicable court of appeals must by rule determine places for each office.
Provides that if the court does not determine places before a person is
appointed or elected to fill the initial vacancy, the places are
determined by seniority.  Requires the chief justice of the applicable
court to file the names and place numbers of the justices with the
secretary of state and the clerk of the court. 
SECTION 4.  Repealer:  Section 52.092(h), Election Code (Offices Regularly
Filled at General Election for State), and Sections 22.203(c), (d), (e),
and (f), Government Code (Second Court of Appeals) 
SECTION 5.  (a)  Requires the supreme court, by a majority vote of its
members, to adopt rules establishing a seniority system to determine which
office and place is held by each justice serving on the court in
accordance with Section 22.015, Government Code, as added by this Act.
Requires the chief justice to file the names and place numbers of the
justices with the secretary of state and the clerk of the court. 
(b)  Requires the court of criminal appeals, by a majority vote of its
members, to adopt rules establishing a seniority system to determine which
office and place is held by each judge serving on the court in accordance
with Section 22.112, Government Code, as added by this Act.  Requires the
presiding judge to file the names and place numbers of the judges with the
secretary of state and the clerk of the court. 
(c) Requires each court of appeals, by a majority vote of its members, to
adopt rules establishing a seniority system to determine which office and
place is held by each justice serving on the court in accordance with
Section 22.216, Government Code, as amended by this Act.  Requires the
chief justice to file the names and place numbers of the justices with the
secretary of state and the clerk of the court. 
SECTION 6.  Effective date:  September 1, 2003.