C.S.H.B. 2975 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

C.S.H.B. 2975
By: Ch_vez
Border and International Affairs
Committee Report (Substituted)


House Bill 2593 (77th Session) authorized the Texas Workforce Commission
(commission) to establish a technology training pilot program to assist
workers displaced by international trade or other state economic changes.
The pilot program was designed to prepare these displaced workers for
computer-related occupations. The pilot program was implemented in El Paso
County and developed a curriculum that has successfully trained many
workers for computer-related jobs. This bill would authorize the
commission to implement a pilot program, using the curriculum developed in
the implementation of  H.B. 2593 (77th Session), in the Texas-Mexico
border region for workers displaced by trade dislocations or other changes
in the state's economy. 


It is the committee's opinion that this bill grants rulemaking authority
to the Texas Workforce Commission in SECTION 1 ( 301.0675, Labor Code). 


SECTION 1. C.S.H.B. 2975 amends the Labor Code to authorize the Texas
Workforce Commission (commission) to establish and implement a
Texas-Mexico border region technology training pilot program (pilot
program) for residents who are workers displaced by trade dislocations or
other changes in the state's economy. The bill sets forth provisions under
which the commission, if it establishes a pilot program, may operate the
pilot program.  The bill requires the commission, not later than December
1 of each even-numbered year, to submit to the governor, the lieutenant
governor, and the speaker of the house a report on the status and results
of the pilot program. C.S.H.B. 2975 provides that the pilot program will
expire on September 1, 2007. 


On passage, or if it does not receive the necessary vote, this Act takes
effect September 1, 2003. 


The committee substitute amends the original by making non-substantive
technical corrections and by requiring, rather than authorizing, the
commission to submit the report on the status and results of the program.