H.B. 3109 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

H.B. 3109
By: Keffer, Bill
Committee Report (Unamended)


Currently, the identity of physicians or health care providers performing
reviews for insurance companies as part of the utilization review process
is protected under Texas Insurance Code 21.58A. However, Independent
Review Organizations face problems due to the lack of confidentiality of
physicians and health care providers who perform reviews.  Confidentiality
of reviewers is necessary to secure and retain well trained, qualified
physicians and other medical providers who are in active practice.  H.B.
3109 provides for the confidentiality of the identity of health care
providers or physicians making review determinations for Independent
Review Organizations. 

It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or


House Bill 3109 amends the Insurance Code to specify that information
submitted by an Independent Review Organization (IRO) in a certification
application or otherwise under IRO provisions that reveals the identity of
a health care provider or physician making review determinations for the
organization is confidential as a trade secret.   


On passage or, if the Act does not receive the necessary vote, the Act
takes effect September 1, 2003.