C.S.H.B. 3378 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

C.S.H.B. 3378
By: Hope
Committee Report (Substituted)


Due to the current budget shortfall,  state agencies and institutions of
higher education were asked to prioritize spending based on core functions
and essential services.  The committee looked to these priorities in
preparation of the budget; however, certain statutory changes are also
needed to conform with appropriations levels in the 2004-05 General
Appropriations Act. Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 authorizes these
statutory changes for the regulatory agencies listed under Article VIII of
the 2004-05 General Appropriations Act.   


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or


Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 authorizes the legislature to reduce
statutory amounts going to Article VIII state agencies if necessary to
balance the budget. 

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 amends the Labor Code by classifying
the subsequent injury fund as a dedicated general revenue account. 

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 removes certain provisions regarding
the system benefit fund from the Utilities Code. 

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 amends the Finance Code by making the
financing and assignment of the financial services study permissive rather
than mandatory. 


Upon passage, or, if the Act does not receive the necessary vote, the Act
takes effect September 1, 2003. 


Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 modifies the original by adding
language that amends the Labor Code by classifying the subsequent injury
fund as a dedicated general revenue account. 

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 modifies the original by adding
language that removes certain provisions regarding the system benefit fund
from the Utilities Code. 

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 modifies the original by adding
language that amends the Finance Code by making the financing and
assignment of the financial services study permissive rather than

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 modifies the original by removing
language that directs the State Office of Administrative Hearings to
reduce expenditures by eliminating the billing rate charged to referring
agencies to cover excess workload expenses. 

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 modifies the original by removing
language that directs the Texas Department of Insurance to reduce
expenditures by eliminating the amount paid by the state to the National
Association of Insurance Commission for the information required to be
submitted to that association. 

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 modifies the original by removing
language that directs the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners to reduce
expenditures by eliminating the physician assistant loan reimbursement
program, the duty to preform certain internal audits, and the newsletter,
and to provide the information from the newsletter on the Internet. 

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 modifies the original by removing
language that directs the Texas Racing Commission to reduce expenditures
by allocating the Texas-bred program funds to the state horse breed
registries and funds for the Texas-bred greyhound races to the state
greyhound breed registry. 

Committee Substitute House Bill 3378 modifies the original by removing
language that directs the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission to reduce
expenditures by  (1) requiring a nonprevailing party in a medical dispute
resolution to pay the costs of the resolution,  (2) performing audits of
certain insurance carriers at the commission's offices rather than the
carrier's offices, and (3) requiring health care providers and insurance
carriers to pay reasonable costs for subsequent audits or reviews, if an
audit or review reveals a violation of a Labor Code provision or
commission rule.