H.B. 3468 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

H.B. 3468
By: Geren
Committee Report (Unamended)


The Agribusiness Division of our prison system manages more than 145,000
acres in 46 counties in Texas.  The division raises cotton, alfalfa, and
more than 30 varieties of edible crops.  The Agribusiness program produces
as much as possible of the food and fiber requirements of the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice.  It also provides valuable job skills
training for inmates. 

Obviously, an inherent element of agriculture is water.   Water is among
this state's most valuable resources.  Texas has developed nearly 80% of
its dependable water supplies, but our population is expected to double in
the next 40 years.  This state is prone to drought conditions.  Because of
this, we have taken steps to increase water awareness and encourage
conservation.  Texas passed SB 1 and SB 2 to facilitate regional water
planning.  We have established the Texas Drought Preparedness Council.
Cities have instituted watering schedules during dry summer months.  All
of these actions have helped raise awareness regarding the use of water. 

When drought conditions are so severe that the Governor declares a state
of disaster, all Texans should examine their use of water, and the state
should lead the way.  This bill does not force TDCJ to abandon or change
any of their irrigation plans.  It merely requires TDCJ, during a declared
state of disaster due to drought conditions, to examine its use of water
for irrigation to insure they are making the best use of this precious


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or


HB 3468 amends Section 497.112 of the Government Code by adding subsection
(d) to require the Texas Department of Criminal Justice institutional
division to review the use of water in irrigation channels on prison land
during a state of disaster due to drought conditions as declared by the
Governor pursuant to Section 418.014, Government Code. 


September 1, 2003