C.S.H.J.R. 68 78(R) BILL ANALYSIS C.S.H.J.R. 68 By: Hupp Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations Committee Report (Substituted) BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Under Section 49 of Article III of the Texas Constitution the Veterans' Land Board of the State of Texas (VLB) is authorized to administer the Veterans' Land Program and the Veterans' Housing Assistance Program. The 77th Legislature passed a constitutional amendment, which was approved by the voters in November 2001, allowing excess assets in those programs also to be used to plan and design, operate, maintain, enlarge, or improve veterans cemeteries. The Texas Constitution does not currently provide for the use of assets in the Veterans' Land Program or the Veterans' Housing Assistance Program for the state veterans home program. HJR 68 would amend the Texas Constitution to provide that if the Veterans' Land Board determines that receipts of the veterans' land fund, veterans' housing assistance fund or veterans' housing assistance fund II are not required for the payment of debt service on the general obligation bonds benefitting those funds, the VLB may use such receipts to pay the debt service on any revenue bonds issued by the VLB. Also, this resolution would allow the VLB to use assets from these various funds to plan, design, construct, acquire, own, operate, maintain, enlarge, improve, furnish, or equip veterans homes. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. ANALYSIS SECTION 1. HJR 68 would allow the VLB to use receipts in the Veterans Land Fund, The Veterans' Housing Assistance Fund, or the Veterans' Housing Assistance Fund II that are not needed for the purpose of paying debt service on its general obligation bonds to pay principal and interest on any of its revenue bonds. HJR 68 also authorizes the VLB, if they determine that assets from the Veterans' Land Fund, the Veterans' Housing Assistance Fund, or the Veterans' Housing Assistance Fund II are not required for the purposes of the fund, to use those assets to plan and design, operate, enlarge, or improve veterans homes. SECTION 2. This proposed constitutional amendment will be submitted to the voters on September 13, 2003. This section quotes the ballot language to be used. COMPARISON OF SUBSTITUTE TO THE ORIGINAL The substitute changes the original version of the bill in SECTION 2 by changing the date on which the amendment will be submitted to the voters to September 13, 2003.