S.B. 74 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

S.B. 74
By: Zaffirini
Human Services
Committee Report (Unamended)



The state receives nearly $400 million a year from the federal government
to provide child-care subsidies for low-income parents to help them obtain
employment.  Four percent of these funds must be spent on quality, but it
is difficult to determine whether these funds are being used effectively. 
Furthermore, most communities raise local contributions to fund quality
initiatives.  Because of the scarcity of quality funds, it is imperative
that local communities share information on how to stretch limited dollars
to increase the quality of care for children in child care.  

SB 74 requires the Health and Human Services Commission to produce a
comprehensive report on all quality child care services in the State of


This bill does not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority
to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. 


SB 74 requires the Health and Human Services Commission, in collaboration
with the Office of Early Childhood Coordination, to thoroughly research
and investigate all quality child care programs in Texas. The results of
the report will be shared with local workforce development boards to
create and run more fiscally beneficial programs.  

It is necessary for this commission to create a protocol for measuring and
evaluating the effectiveness of child care programs. The Interim Report by
the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services recommended that the
78th Legislature direct the Commission to develop a protocol to evaluate
the success of the child care. The committee felt that the effort should
be coordinated with the work of the Office of Early Childhood Coordination
and the development of the statewide strategic plan for services to

The report must:

_include a description of each initiative's activity, including factors
relevant to the Success of Quality Care Program and the fiscal efficiency
of the program; 

_promote the creation of similar programs statewide; and

_establish statewide benchmarks for quality child care.


The Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of
all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article
III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary
for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2003.